Sunday, July 22, 2012

Thanks A Lot, Al Gore

What would the world be like if Al hadn't invented the Internet? Remember when he claimed that he had? It was a strange claim, but who am I to say he did or did not? Imagine no UPS packages from Amazon, no Wikipedia, no Facebook; hard to imagine.

I have been in Africa for all of three days. I have spent more time worrying about getting an Internet connection than worrying about my restricted rice diet for the next 30 days. What a sad admission. My computer says I am connected when I right click on that little icon on the bottom right corner of my computer, but saying you have it and actually getting to Facebook and your email would be two very different things.

Our last trip to Babati was 10 days. We never were able to connect. That seemed okay at the time for that length of time. This trip will be for 35 days, and I don't think I can survive without it.

The Kibo Palace Hotel had free WI-FI, but it was a little hit and miss. It worked well enough every 159 minutes, so I guess I should stop complaining. Chris always wonders why I seem to be mad at him when I can't get the dang thing to work. The reason is simple; he is the only one there. I certainly couldn't get mad at Emanuel, the bartender, or Lawrence, our food server, could I? Sorry, Chris, you're it.

For the next 30 days, I will try to be a litte more patient, and I will try to do a better job of understanding how the dang thing works. I will soon be transformed into Babati Penny; and trust me, that is a good thing.

I am in the internet cafe in Babati and the P and L don't work very well on my computer. Sorry for the misspellings, but time is limited. It might be more entertaining without a P or L.

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