Certainty #2 (death) - Sadly, a friend of my sister and brother-in-law passed away, and the funeral is today. I will light a candle for the family and friends and think of them at 4:00 p.m. as they go to pay their last respects and say good-bye.
So.....my sister and I started talking about funerals versus celebrations (parties), and who should decide whether a person has a funeral in a church, or a celebration (party) at some favorite spot, or something in between. If you didn't spend much time in church when you were alive, would anyone be offended that you didn't show up to the church dead? Is the funeral for the person that died or the people left behind? There are many unanswered, personal questions associated with death. We both decided that we will be the ones to decide, organize and plan our respective celebrations (party). Neither of us want a funeral and will be quite offended if someone goes against our wishes. If 100 people were surveyed (at least of my friends) 95 would vote for a fun celebration (party) over a funeral in a church any day. We also don't want to be buried in the ground. We both struggle with being cold all winter long, even with layers and layers of clothes, Uggs, North Face coats, heated steering wheels, and just would not consider for one minute being lowered into the cold ground in the dead of winter in Montana. Cremation seems the warmer, better option.
Given that you cannot escape death or taxes, I would suggest that you get your taxes done today (you probably have a refund coming) and from this day forward, live each day as if it were your last. Oh, and don't forget to plan your party.
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