Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Who invented holidays?

Well, according to, the Pagans invented the holiday Christmas, with all of its customs, and the early Catholic church renamed it, so that today it is called Christmas.  There is a whole lot more in between, but that is the short answer.

Who invented Mother's Day, Father's Day, Grandparents' Day and Valentine's Day? Hallmark, of course. I can just see a bunch of suits and ties sitting around a board room table, late at night, eating Chinese, brainstorming. "Hey, we are running in the red. Any ideas on how to get out?" "I know, let's make up a holiday that requires millions of people to buy a $5 card. It is always better to get $1 from 1 million people than $1 million from one person." "Great idea." A holiday was born.

Well, I like Mother's Day. For the last couple of years, though, I have been in the car on Mother's Day driving home from St. Paul, a 16-hour trip. This year I am home, perfect weather, ready to plant my flowers. My perfect day. My perfect son (in my eyes) went to the store last night to get the perfect ingredients for a perfect Mother's Day brunch: smoked salmon, eggs, OJ, flourless grain bread. So perfect. How lucky I am to be his mom. Maybe I should be giving him a present.

Happy Mother's Day to all.

"There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one. ~ Jill Churchill  

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